North Sadar Bazar
Solapur, 413003

0217-2319900 - 06

Sun: Emergency Only
Mon - Fri : 9:00am to 6:00pm



Management of Hospital Equipments

Equipment management in a hospital is the function of Biomedical Engineering department. Serving initially as the health care provider’s equipment maintenance. Biomedical Engineer has become the equipment manager, helping health providers for the acquisition of technology, and then ensuring its safe, continued efficient utilization through a well planned program of user training, maintenance and quality assurance, thus playing a vital role in the safe and effective implementation of health care technology. The goal of Biomedical Equipment Management Program is to provide safe, calibrated and operational equipment for delivery of the best health care possible. An effective program will reduce the inconvenience and frustration caused by malfunctioning equipment and the time lost because of non-availability of equipment.


Department is controlling following sections

Management and performance of Breakdown Maintenance (Repair) biomedical equipments

Management and performance of Planned Preventive Maintenance of Biomedical equipments.

Calibration, Performance verification and certifications of Biomedical equipments

Utility certification: During installation of sophisticated equipments, Biomedical Engineers assess the utility needs of equipments viz. tonnage of AC, electrical power, drainage system required and generate feasibility report.

Planning & installation for all types of sophisticated Bio Medical Equipments.

Creation of Computerized database: dynamic software for maintaining work-order, inventory of equipments, preventive maintenance schedule and technician time

Doctors In Department

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Anil Bidada (HOD)

Biomedical Engineer

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Mallinath Khune

Asst. Biomedical Engineer